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Text File | 2001-09-26 | 40.7 KB | 1,021 lines |
- *pattern.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 16
- VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
- Patterns and search commands *pattern-searches*
- The very basics can be found in section |03.9| of the user manual. A few more
- explanations are in chapter 27 |usr_27.txt|.
- 1. Search commands |search-commands|
- 2. The definition of a pattern |search-pattern|
- 3. Highlighting matches |match-highlight|
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Search commands *search-commands*
- */*
- /{pattern}[/]<CR> Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of
- {pattern} (exclusive).
- /{pattern}/{offset}<CR> Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of
- {pattern} and go |{offset}| lines up or down.
- (linewise).
- */<CR>*
- /<CR> Search forward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern |last-pattern| with latest used |{offset}|.
- //{offset}<CR> Search forward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern |last-pattern| with new |{offset}|. If
- {offset} is empty no offset is used.
- *?*
- ?{pattern}[?]<CR> Search backward for the [count]'th previous
- occurrence of {pattern} (exclusive).
- ?{pattern}?{offset}<CR> Search backward for the [count]'th previous
- occurrence of {pattern} and go |{offset}| lines up or
- down (linewise).
- *?<CR>*
- ?<CR> Search backward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern |last-pattern| with latest used |{offset}|.
- ??{offset}<CR> Search backward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern |last-pattern| with new |{offset}|. If
- {offset} is empty no offset is used.
- *n*
- n Repeat the latest "/" or "?" [count] times.
- |last-pattern| {Vi: no count}
- *N*
- N Repeat the latest "/" or "?" [count] times in
- opposite direction. |last-pattern| {Vi: no count}
- *star* *E348* *E349*
- * Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of the
- word nearest to the cursor. The word used for the
- search is the first of:
- 1. the keyword under the cursor |'iskeyword'|
- 2. the first keyword after the cursor, in the
- current line
- 3. the non-blank word under the cursor
- 4. the first non-blank word after the cursor,
- in the current line
- Only whole keywords are searched for, like with the
- command "/\<keyword\>". (exclusive) {not in Vi}
- *#*
- # Same as "*", but search backward. The pound sign
- (character 163) also works. If the "#" key works as
- backspace, try using "stty erase <BS>" before starting
- Vim (<BS> is CTRL-H or a real backspace). {not in Vi}
- *gstar*
- g* Like "*", but don't put "\<" and "\>" around the word.
- This makes the search also find matches that are not a
- whole word. {not in Vi}
- *g#*
- g# Like "#", but don't put "\<" and "\>" around the word.
- This makes the search also find matches that are not a
- whole word. {not in Vi}
- *gd*
- gd Goto local Declaration. When the cursor is on a local
- variable, this command will jump to its declaration.
- First Vim searches for the start of the current
- function, just like "[[". If it is not found the
- search stops in line 1. If it is found, Vim goes back
- until a blank line is found. From this position Vim
- searches for the keyword under the cursor, like with
- "*", but lines that look like a comment are ignored
- (see 'comments' option).
- Note that this is not guaranteed to work, Vim does not
- really check the syntax, it only searches for a match
- with the keyword. If included files also need to be
- searched use the commands listed in |include-search|.
- {not in Vi}
- *gD*
- gD Goto global Declaration. When the cursor is on a
- global variable that is defined in the file, this
- command will jump to its declaration. This works just
- like "gd", except that the search for the keyword
- always starts in line 1. {not in Vi}
- *CTRL-C*
- CTRL-C Interrupt current (search) command. Use CTRL-Break on
- MS-DOS |dos-CTRL-Break|.
- In Normal mode, any pending command is aborted.
- *:noh* *:nohlsearch*
- :noh[lsearch] Stop the highlighting for the 'hlsearch' option. It
- is automatically turned back on when using a search
- command, or setting the 'hlsearch' option.
- This command doesn't work in an autocommand, because
- the highlighting state is saved and restored when
- executing autocommands |autocmd-searchpat|.
- While typing the search pattern the current match will be shown if the
- 'incsearch' option is on. Remember that you still have to finish the search
- command with <CR> to actually position the cursor at the displayed match. Or
- use <Esc> to abandon the search.
- All matches for the last used search pattern will be highlighted if you set
- the 'hlsearch' option. This can be suspended with the |:nohlsearch| command.
- *search-offset* *{offset}*
- These commands search for the specified pattern. With "/" and "?" an
- additional offset may be given. There are two types of offsets: line offsets
- and character offsets. {the character offsets are not in Vi}
- The offset gives the cursor position relative to the found match:
- [num] [num] lines downwards, in column 1
- +[num] [num] lines downwards, in column 1
- -[num] [num] lines upwards, in column 1
- e[+num] [num] characters to the right of the end of the match
- e[-num] [num] characters to the left of the end of the match
- s[+num] [num] characters to the right of the start of the match
- s[-num] [num] characters to the left of the start of the match
- b[+num] [num] characters to the right of the start (begin) of the match
- b[-num] [num] characters to the left of the start (begin) of the match
- If a '-' or '+' is given but [num] is omitted, a count of one will be used.
- When including an offset with 'e', the search becomes inclusive (the
- character the cursor lands on is included in operations).
- Examples:
- pattern cursor position ~
- /test/+1 one line below "test", in column 1
- /test/e on the last t of "test"
- /test/s+2 on the 's' of "test"
- /test/b-3 three characters before "test"
- If one of these commands is used after an operator, the characters between
- the cursor position before and after the search is affected. However, if a
- line offset is given, the whole lines between the two cursor positions are
- affected.
- An example of how to search for matches with a pattern and change the match
- with another word: >
- /foo<CR> find "foo"
- c//e change until end of match
- bar<Esc> type replacement
- //<CR> go to start of next match
- c//e change until end of match
- beep<Esc> type another replacement
- etc.
- <
- *//;* *E386*
- A very special offset is ';' followed by another search command. For example: >
- /test 1/;/test
- /test.*/+1;?ing?
- The first one first finds the next occurrence of "test 1", and then the first
- occurrence of "test" after that.
- This is like executing two search commands after each other, except that:
- - It can be used as a single motion command after an operator.
- - The direction for a following "n" or "N" command comes from the first
- search command.
- - When an error occurs the cursor is not moved at all.
- *last-pattern*
- The last used pattern and offset are remembered. They can be used to repeat
- the search, possibly in another direction or with another count. Note that
- two patterns are remembered: One for 'normal' search commands and one for the
- substitute command ":s". Each time an empty pattern is given, the previously
- used pattern is used.
- The 'magic' option sticks with the last used pattern. If you change 'magic',
- this will not change how the last used pattern will be interpreted.
- The 'ignorecase' option does not do this. When 'ignorecase' is changed, it
- will result in the pattern to match other text.
- All matches for the last used search pattern will be highlighted if you set
- the 'hlsearch' option.
- To clear the last used search pattern: >
- :let @/ = ""
- This will not set the pattern to an empty string, because that would match
- everywhere. The pattern is really cleared, like when starting Vim.
- In Vi the ":tag" command sets the last search pattern when the tag is searched
- for. In Vim this is not done, the previous search pattern is still remembered,
- unless the 't' flag is present in 'cpoptions'. The search pattern is always
- put in the search history.
- If the 'wrapscan' option is on (which is the default), searches wrap around
- the end of the buffer. If 'wrapscan' is not set, the backward search stops
- at the beginning and the forward search stops at the end of the buffer. If
- 'wrapscan' is set and the pattern was not found the error message "pattern
- not found" is given, and the cursor will not be moved. If 'wrapscan' is not
- set the message becomes "search hit BOTTOM without match" when searching
- forward, or "search hit TOP without match" when searching backward. If
- wrapscan is set and the search wraps around the end of the file the message
- "search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM" or "search hit BOTTOM, continuing at
- TOP" is given when searching backwards or forwards respectively. This can be
- switched off by setting the 's' flag in the 'shortmess' option. The highlight
- method 'w' is used for this message (default: standout).
- *search-range*
- You cannot limit the search command "/" to a certain range of lines. A trick
- to do this anyway is to use the ":substitute" command with the 'c' flag.
- Example: >
- :.,300s/Pattern//gc
- This command will search from the cursor position until line 300 for
- "Pattern". At the match, you will be asked to type a character. Type 'q' to
- stop at this match, type 'n' to find the next match.
- The "*", "#", "g*" and "g#" commands look for a word near the cursor in this
- order, the first one that is found is used:
- - The keyword currently under the cursor.
- - The first keyword to the right of the cursor, in the same line.
- - The WORD currently under the cursor.
- - The first WORD to the right of the cursor, in the same line.
- The keyword may only contain letters and characters in 'iskeyword'.
- The WORD may contain any non-blanks (<Tab>s and/or <Space>s).
- Note that if you type with ten fingers, the characters are easy to remember:
- the "#" is under your left hand middle finger (search to the left and up) and
- the "*" is under your right hand middle finger (search to the right and down).
- (this depends on your keyboard layout though).
- ==============================================================================
- 2. The definition of a pattern *search-pattern* *pattern* *[pattern]*
- *regular-expression* *regexp* *Pattern*
- *E76* *E361* *E363* *E383*
- For starters, read chapter 27 of the user manual |usr_27.txt|.
- */bar* */\bar* */pattern*
- 1. A pattern is one or more branches, separated by "\|". It matches anything
- that matches one of the branches. Example: "foo\|beep" matches "foo" and
- matches "beep". If more than one branch matches, the first one is used.
- pattern ::= branch
- or branch \| branch
- or branch \| branch \| branch
- etc.
- */branch* */\&*
- 2. A branch is one or more concats, separated by "\&". It matches the last
- concat, but only if all the preceding concats also match at the same
- position. Example: "foobeep\&..." matches "foo" in "foobeep".
- branch ::= concat
- or concat \& concat
- or concat \& concat \& concat
- etc.
- */concat*
- 3. A concat is one or more pieces, concatenated. It matches a match for the
- first piece, followed by a match for the second piece, etc. Example:
- "f[0-9]b", first matches "f", then a digit and then "b".
- concat ::= piece
- or piece piece
- or piece piece piece
- etc.
- */piece*
- 4. A piece is an atom, possibly followed by a multi, an indication of how many
- times the atom can be matched. Example: "a*" matches any sequence of "a"
- characters: "", "a", "aa", etc. See |/multi|.
- piece ::= atom
- or atom multi
- */atom*
- 5. An atom can be one of a long list of items. Each atom matches a certain
- character. It is often an ordinary character or a character class. Braces
- can be used to make a pattern into an atom. The "\z(\)" construct is only
- for syntax highlighting.
- atom ::= ordinary-atom |/ordinary-atom|
- or \( pattern \) |/\(|
- or \%( pattern \) |/\%(|
- or \z( pattern \) |/\z(|
- Overview of multi items. */multi* *E61* *E62*
- More explanation and examples below, follow the links. *E64*
- multi ~
- 'magic' 'nomagic' matches of the preceding atom ~
- |/star| * \* 0 or more as many as possible
- |/\+| \+ \+ 1 or more as many as possible (*)
- |/\=| \= \= 0 or 1 as many as possible (*)
- |/\?| \? \? 0 or 1 as many as possible (*)
- |/\{| \{n,m} \{n,m} n to m as many as possible (*)
- \{n} \{n} n exactly (*)
- \{n,} \{n,} at least n as many as possible (*)
- \{,m} \{,m} 0 to m as many as possible (*)
- \{} \{} 0 or more as many as possible (same as *) (*)
- |/\{-| \{-n,m} \{-n,m} n to m as few as possible (*)
- \{-n} \{-n} n exactly (*)
- \{-n,} \{-n,} at least n as few as possible (*)
- \{-,m} \{-,m} 0 to m as few as possible (*)
- \{-} \{-} 0 or more as few as possible (*)
- *E59*
- |/\@>| \@> \@> 1, like matching a whole pattern (*)
- |/\@=| \@= \@= nothing, requires a match |/zero-width| (*)
- |/\@!| \@! \@! nothing, requires NO match |/zero-width| (*)
- |/\@<=| \@<= \@<= nothing, requires a match behind |/zero-width| (*)
- |/\@<!| \@<! \@<! nothing, requires NO match behind |/zero-width| (*)
- (*) {not in Vi}
- Overview of ordinary atoms. */ordinary-atom*
- More explanation and examples below, follow the links.
- ordinary atom ~
- magic nomagic matches ~
- |/^| ^ ^ start-of-line (at start of pattern) |/zero-width|
- |/\^| \^ \^ literal '^'
- |/\_^| \_^ \_^ start-of-line (used anywhere) |/zero-width|
- |/$| $ $ end-of-line (at end of pattern) |/zero-width|
- |/\$| \$ \$ literal '$'
- |/\_$| \_$ \_$ end-of-line (used anywhere) |/zero-width|
- |/.| . \. any single character (not an end-of-line)
- |/\_.| \_. \_. any single character or end-of-line
- |/\<| \< \< beginning of a word |/zero-width|
- |/\>| \> \> end of a word |/zero-width|
- |/\zs| \zs \zs anything, sets start of match
- |/\ze| \ze \ze anything, sets end of match
- |/\%^| \%^ \%^ beginning of file |/zero-width| *E71*
- |/\%$| \%$ \%$ end of file |/zero-width|
- |/\%#| \%# \%# cursor position |/zero-width|
- |/\%l| \%23l \%23l line number |/zero-width|
- |/\%c| \%23c \%23c column number |/zero-width|
- |/\%v| \%23v \%23v virtual column number |/zero-width|
- Character classes {not in Vi}:
- |/\i| \i \i identifier character (see 'isident' option)
- |/\I| \I \I like "\i", but excluding digits
- |/\k| \k \k keyword character (see 'iskeyword' option)
- |/\K| \K \K like "\k", but excluding digits
- |/\f| \f \f file name character (see 'isfname' option)
- |/\F| \F \F like "\f", but excluding digits
- |/\p| \p \p printable character (see 'isprint' option)
- |/\P| \P \P like "\p", but excluding digits
- |/\s| \s \s whitespace character: <Space> and <Tab>
- |/\S| \S \S non-whitespace character; opposite of \s
- |/\d| \d \d digit: [0-9]
- |/\D| \D \D non-digit: [^0-9]
- |/\x| \x \x hex digit: [0-9A-Fa-f]
- |/\X| \X \X non-hex digit: [^0-9A-Fa-f]
- |/\o| \o \o octal digit: [0-7]
- |/\O| \O \O non-octal digit: [^0-7]
- |/\w| \w \w word character: [0-9A-Za-z_]
- |/\W| \W \W non-word character: [^0-9A-Za-z_]
- |/\h| \h \h head of word character: [A-Za-z_]
- |/\H| \H \H non-head of word character: [^A-Za-z_]
- |/\a| \a \a alphabetic character: [A-Za-z]
- |/\A| \A \A non-alphabetic character: [^A-Za-z]
- |/\l| \l \l lowercase character: [a-z]
- |/\L| \L \L non-lowercase character: [^a-z]
- |/\u| \u \u uppercase character: [A-Z]
- |/\U| \U \U non-uppercase character [^A-Z]
- |/\_| \_x \_x where x is any of the characters above: character
- class with end-of-line included
- (end of character classes)
- |/\e| \e \e <Esc>
- |/\t| \t \t <Tab>
- |/\r| \r \r <CR>
- |/\b| \b \b <BS>
- |/\n| \n \n end-of-line
- |/~| ~ \~ last given substitute string
- |/\1| \1 \1 same string as matched by first \(\) {not in Vi}
- |/\2| \2 \2 Like "\1", but uses second \(\)
- ...
- |/\9| \9 \9 Like "\1", but uses ninth \(\)
- *E68*
- |/\z1| \z1 \z1 only for syntax highlighting, see |:syn-ext-match|
- ...
- |/\z1| \z9 \z9 only for syntax highlighting, see |:syn-ext-match|
- x x a character with no special meaning matches itself
- |/[]| [] \[] any character specified inside the []
- |/\%[]| \%[] \%[] a list of optionally matched atoms
- |/\c| \c \c ignore case
- |/\C| \C \C match case
- |/\m| \m \m 'magic' on for the following chars in the pattern
- |/\M| \M \M 'magic' off for the following chars in the pattern
- |/\v| \v \v the following chars in the pattern are "very magic"
- |/\V| \V \V the following chars in the pattern are "very nomagic"
- Example matches ~
- \<\I\i* or
- \<\h\w*
- \<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
- An identifier (e.g., in a C program).
- \(\.$\|\. \) A period followed by <EOL> or a space.
- [.!?][])"']*\($\|[ ]\) A search pattern that finds the end of a sentence,
- with almost the same definition as the ")" command.
- Magic */magic*
- Some characters in the pattern are taken literally. They match with the same
- character in the text. When preceded with a backslash however, these
- characters get a special meaning.
- Other characters have a special meaning without a backslash. They need to be
- preceded with a backslash to match literally.
- If a character is taken literally or not depends on the 'magic' option and the
- items mentioned next.
- */\m* */\M*
- Use of "\m" makes the pattern after it be interpreted as if 'magic' is set,
- ignoring the actual value of the 'magic' option.
- Use of "\M" makes the pattern after it be interpreted as if 'nomagic' is used.
- */\v* */\V*
- Use of "\v" means that in the pattern after it all ASCII characters except
- '0'-'9', 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z' and '_' have a special meaning. "very magic"
- Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash has a
- special meaning. "very nomagic"
- Examples:
- after: \v \m \M \V matches ~
- 'magic' 'nomagic'
- $ $ $ \$ matches end-of-line
- . . \. \. matches any character
- * * \* \* any number of the previous atom
- () \(\) \(\) \(\) grouping into an atom
- | \| \| \| separating alternatives
- \a \a \a \a alphabetic character
- \\ \\ \\ \\ literal backslash
- \. \. . . literal dot
- \{ { { { literal '{'
- a a a a literal 'a'
- {only Vim supports \m, \M, \v and \V}
- It is recommended to always keep the 'magic' option at the default setting,
- which is 'magic'. This avoids portability problems. To make a pattern immune
- to the 'magic' option being set or not, put "\m" or "\M" at the start of the
- pattern.
- Multi items
- An atom can be followed by an indication of how many times the atom can be
- matched and in what way. This is called a multi. See |/multi| for an
- overview.
- It is not possible to use a multi that can match more than one time after an
- atom that can match an empty string. That's because this could result in an
- endless loop. If you try it, you will get this error message: >
- *, \+ or \{ operand could be empty
- <
- */star* */\star* *E56*
- * (use \* with 'nomagic')
- Matches 0 or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible.
- Example 'nomagic' matches ~
- a* a\* "", "a", "aa", "aaa", etc.
- .* \.\* anything, also an empty string, no end-of-line
- \_.* \_.\* everything up to the end of the buffer
- \_.*END \_.\*END everything up to and including the last "END"
- in the buffer
- Be aware that repeating "\_." can match a lot of text and take a long
- time. For example, "\_.*END" matches all text from the current
- position to the last occurrence of "END" in the file. Since the "*"
- will match as many as possible, this first skips over all lines until
- the end of the file and then tries matching "END", backing up one
- character at a time.
- */\+* *E57*
- \+ Matches 1 or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible. {not in
- Vi}
- Example matches ~
- ^.\+$ any non-empty line
- \s\+ white space of at least one character
- */\=*
- \= Matches 0 or 1 of the preceding atom, as many as possible. {not in Vi}
- Example matches ~
- foo\= "fo" and "foo"
- */\?*
- \? Just like \=. Cannot be used when searching backwards with the "?"
- command. {not in Vi}
- */\{* *E58* *E60*
- \{n,m} Matches n to m of the preceding atom, as many as possible
- \{n} Matches n of the preceding atom
- \{n,} Matches at least n of the preceding atom, as many as possible
- \{,m} Matches 0 to m of the preceding atom, as many as possible
- \{} Matches 0 or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible (like *)
- */\{-*
- \{-n,m} matches n to m of the preceding atom, as few as possible
- \{-n} matches n of the preceding atom
- \{-n,} matches at least n of the preceding atom, as few as possible
- \{-,m} matches 0 to m of the preceding atom, as few as possible
- \{-} matches 0 or more of the preceding atom, as few as possible
- {Vi does not have any of these}
- n and m are positive decimal numbers
- If a "-" appears immediately after the "{", then a shortest match
- first algorithm is used (see example below). In particular, "\{-}" is
- the same as "*" but uses the shortest match first algorithm. BUT: A
- match that starts earlier is preferred over a shorter match: "a\{-}b"
- matches "aaab" in "xaaab".
- Example matches ~
- ab\{2,3}c "abbc" or "abbbc"
- a\{5} "aaaaa".
- ab\{2,}c "abbc", "abbbc", "abbbbc", etc
- ab\{,3}c "ac", "abc", "abbc" or "abbbc".
- a[bc]\{3}d "abbbd", "abbcd", "acbcd", "acccd", etc.
- a\(bc\)\{1,2}d "abcd" or "abcbcd"
- a[bc]\{-}[cd] "abc" in "abcd"
- a[bc]*[cd] "abcd" in "abcd"
- */\@=*
- \@= Matches the preceding atom with zero width. {not in Vi}
- Like '(?=pattern)" in Perl.
- Example matches ~
- foo\(bar\)\@= "foo" in "foobar"
- foo\(bar\)\@=foo nothing
- */zero-width*
- When using "\@=" (or "^", "$", "\<", "\>") no characters are included
- in the match. These items are only used to check if a match can be
- made. This can be tricky, because a match with following items will
- be done in the same position. The last example above will not match
- "foobarfoo", because it tries match "foo" in the same position where
- "bar" matched.
- Note that using "\&" works exactly the same as using "\@=": "foo\&.."
- is the same as "\(foo\)\@=..". But using "\&" is easier.
- */\@!*
- \@! Matches with zero width if the preceding atom does NOT match at the
- current position |/zero-width| {not in Vi}
- Like '(?!pattern)" in Perl.
- Example matches ~
- foo\(bar\)\@! any "foo" not followed by "bar"
- a.\{-}p\@! "a", "ap", "app", etc. not followed by a "p"
- Using "\@!" is tricky, because there are many places where a pattern
- does not match. "a.*p\@!" will match from an "a" to the end of the
- line, because ".*" can match all characters in the line and the "p"
- doesn't match at the end of the line. "a.\{-}p\@!" will match any
- "a", "ap", "aap", etc. that isn't followed by a "p", because the "."
- can match a "p" and "p\@!" doesn't match after that.
- You can't use "\@!" to look for a non-match before the matching
- position: "\(foo\)\@!bar" will match "bar" in "foobar", because at the
- position where "bar" matches, "foo" does not match. To avoid matching
- "foobar" you could use "\(foo\)\@!...bar", but that doesn't match a
- bar at the start of a line. Use "\(foo\)\@<!bar".
- */\@<=*
- \@<= Matches with zero width if the preceding atom matches just before what
- follows. |/zero-width| {not in Vi}
- Like '(?<=pattern)" in Perl, but Vim allows non-fixed-width patterns.
- Example matches ~
- \(an\_s\+\)\@<=file "file" after "an" and white space or a
- end-of-line
- "\@<=" and "\@<!" check for matches just before what follows.
- Theoretically these matches could start anywhere before this position.
- But to limit the time needed, only the line where what follows matches
- is searched, and one line before that (if there is one). This should
- be sufficient to match most things and not be too slow.
- */\@<!*
- \@<! Matches with zero width if the preceding atom does NOT match just
- before what follows. |/zero-width| {not in Vi}
- Like '(?<!pattern)" in Perl, but Vim allows non-fixed-width patterns.
- The match with the preceding atom is made to end just before the match
- with what follows, thus an atom that ends in ".*" will work.
- Example matches ~
- \(foo\)\@<!bar any "bar" that's not in "foobar"
- \(\/\/.*\)\@\<!in "in" which is not after "//"
- */\@>*
- \@> Matches the preceding atom like matching a whole pattern. {not in Vi}
- Like '(?>pattern)" in Perl.
- Example matches ~
- \(a*\)\@>a nothing (the "a*" takes all the "a"'s, there can't be
- another one following)
- This matches the preceding atom as if it was a pattern by itself. If
- it doesn't match, there is no retry with shorter sub-matches or
- anything. Observe this difference: "a*b" and "a*ab" both match
- "aaab", but in the second case the "a*" matches only the first two
- "a"s. "\(a*\)\@>ab" will not match "aaab", because the "a*" matches
- the "aaa" (as many "a"s as possible), thus the "ab" can't match.
- An ordinary atom can be:
- */^*
- ^ At beginning of pattern or after "\|", "\(", "\%(" or "\n": matches
- start-of-line; at other positions, matches literal '^'. |/zero-width|
- Example matches ~
- ^beep( the start of the C function "beep" (probably).
- */\^*
- \^ At any position, matches literal '^'.
- */\_^*
- \_^ At any position, matches start-of-line. |/zero-width|
- Example matches ~
- \_s*\_^foo white space and blank lines and then "foo" at
- start-of-line
- */$*
- $ At end of pattern or in front of "\|" or "\)": matches end-of-line
- <EOL>; at other positions, matches literal '$'. |/zero-width|
- */\$*
- \$ At any position, matches literal '$'.
- */\_$*
- \_$ At any position, matches end-of-line. |/zero-width|
- Example matches ~
- foo\_$\_s* "foo" at end-of-line and following white space and
- blank lines
- . (with 'nomagic': \.) */.* */\.*
- Matches any single character, but not an end-of-line.
- */\_.*
- \_. Matches any single character or end-of-line.
- Careful: "\_.*" matches all text to the end of the buffer!
- */\<*
- \< Matches the beginning of a word: The next char is the first char of a
- word. The 'iskeyword' option specifies what is a word character.
- |/zero-width|
- */\>*
- \> Matches the end of a word: The previous char is the last char of a
- word. The 'iskeyword' option specifies what is a word character.
- |/zero-width|
- */\zs*
- \zs Matches at any position, and sets the start of the match there: The
- next char is the first char of the whole match. |/zero-width|
- Can be used multiple times, the last one encountered in a matching
- branch is used.
- Example: "^\s*\zsif" matches an "if" at the start of a line, ignoring
- white space.
- {not in Vi} {not available when compiled without the +syntax feature}
- */\ze*
- \ze Matches at any position, and sets the end of the match there: The
- previous char is the last char of the whole match. |/zero-width|
- Can be used multiple times, the last one encountered in a matching
- branch is used.
- Example: "end\ze\(if\|for\)" matches the "end" in "endif" and
- "endfor".
- {not in Vi} {not available when compiled without the +syntax feature}
- */\%^* *start-of-file*
- \%^ Matches start of the file. When matching with a string, matches the
- start of the string. {not in Vi}
- For example, to find the first "VIM" in a file: >
- /\%^\_.\{-}\zsVIM
- <
- */\%$* *end-of-file*
- \%$ Matches end of the file. When matching with a string, matches the
- end of the string. {not in Vi}
- Note that this does NOT find the last "VIM" in a file: >
- /VIM\_.\{-}\%$
- < It will find the next VIM, because the part after it will always
- match. This one will find the last "VIM" in the file: >
- /VIM\ze\(\(VIM\)\@!\_.\)*\%$
- < This uses |/\@!| to ascertain that "VIM" does NOT match in any
- position after the first "VIM".
- Searching from the end of the file backwards is easier!
- */\%#* *cursor-position*
- \%# Matches with the cursor position. Only works when matching in a
- buffer displayed in a window. {not in Vi}
- WARNING: When the cursor is moved after the pattern was used, the
- result becomes invalid. Vim doesn't automatically update the matches.
- This is especially relevant for syntax highlighting and 'hlsearch'.
- In other words: When the cursor moves the display isn't updated for
- this change. An update is done for lines which are changed (the whole
- line is updated) or when using the |CTRL-L| command (the whole screen
- is updated). Example, to highlight the word under the cursor: >
- /\k*\%#\k*
- < When 'hlsearch' is set and you move the cursor around and make changes
- this will clearly show when the match is updated or not.
- */\%l* */\%>l* */\%<l*
- \%23l Matches in a specific line.
- \%<23l Matches above a specific line.
- \%>23l Matches below a specific line.
- These three can be used to match specific lines in a buffer. The "23"
- can be any line number. The first line is 1. {not in Vi}
- WARNING: When inserting or deleting lines Vim does not automatically
- update the matches. This means Syntax highlighting quickly becomes
- wrong.
- Example, to highlight the line where the cursor currently is: >
- :exe '/\%' . line(".") . 'l.*'
- < When 'hlsearch' is set and you move the cursor around and make changes
- this will clearly show when the match is updated or not.
- */\%c* */\%>c* */\%<c*
- \%23c Matches in a specific column.
- \%<23c Matches before a specific column.
- \%>23c Matches after a specific column.
- These three can be used to match specific columns in a buffer or
- string. The "23" can be any column number. The first column is 1.
- Actually, the column is the byte number (thus it's not exactly right
- for multi-byte characters). {not in Vi}
- WARNING: When inserting or deleting text Vim does not automatically
- update the matches. This means Syntax highlighting quickly becomes
- wrong.
- Example, to highlight the column where the cursor currently is: >
- :exe '/\%' . col(".") . 'c'
- < When 'hlsearch' is set and you move the cursor around and make changes
- this will clearly show when the match is updated or not.
- */\%v* */\%>v* */\%<v*
- \%23v Matches in a specific virtual column.
- \%<23v Matches before a specific virtual column.
- \%>23v Matches after a specific virtual column.
- These three can be used to match specific virtual columns in a buffer
- or string. When not matching with a buffer in a window, the option
- values of the current window are used (e.g., 'tabstop').
- The "23" can be any column number. The first column is 1.
- Note that some virtual column positions will never match, because they
- are halfway a Tab or other character that occupies more than one
- screen character. {not in Vi}
- WARNING: When inserting or deleting text Vim does not automatically
- update the matches. This means Syntax highlighting quickly becomes
- wrong.
- Example, to highlight the all characters after virtual column 72: >
- /\%>72v.*
- < When 'hlsearch' is set and you move the cursor around and make changes
- this will clearly show when the match is updated or not.
- To match the text up to column 17: >
- /.*\%17v
- < Column 17 is not included, because that's where the "\%17v" matches,
- and since this is a |/zero-width| match, column 17 isn't included in
- the match. This does the same: >
- /.*\%<18v
- <
- Character classes: {not in Vi}
- \i identifier character (see 'isident' option) */\i*
- \I like "\i", but excluding digits */\I*
- \k keyword character (see 'iskeyword' option) */\k*
- \K like "\k", but excluding digits */\K*
- \f file name character (see 'isfname' option) */\f*
- \F like "\f", but excluding digits */\F*
- \p printable character (see 'isprint' option) */\p*
- \P like "\p", but excluding digits */\P*
- NOTE: the above also work for multi-byte characters. The ones below only
- match ASCII characters, as indicated by the range.
- *whitespace* *white-space*
- \s whitespace character: <Space> and <Tab> */\s*
- \S non-whitespace character; opposite of \s */\S*
- \d digit: [0-9] */\d*
- \D non-digit: [^0-9] */\D*
- \x hex digit: [0-9A-Fa-f] */\x*
- \X non-hex digit: [^0-9A-Fa-f] */\X*
- \o octal digit: [0-7] */\o*
- \O non-octal digit: [^0-7] */\O*
- \w word character: [0-9A-Za-z_] */\w*
- \W non-word character: [^0-9A-Za-z_] */\W*
- \h head of word character: [A-Za-z_] */\h*
- \H non-head of word character: [^A-Za-z_] */\H*
- \a alphabetic character: [A-Za-z] */\a*
- \A non-alphabetic character: [^A-Za-z] */\A*
- \l lowercase character: [a-z] */\l*
- \L non-lowercase character: [^a-z] */\L*
- \u uppercase character: [A-Z] */\u*
- \U non-uppercase character [^A-Z] */\U*
- NOTE: Using the atom is faster than the [] form.
- NOTE: 'ignorecase', "\c" and "\C" are not used by character classes.
- */\_* *E63*
- \_x Where "x" is any of the characters above: The character class with
- end-of-line added
- (end of character classes)
- \e matches <Esc> */\e*
- \t matches <Tab> */\t*
- \r matches <CR> */\r*
- \b matches <BS> */\b*
- \n matches a end-of-line */\n*
- ~ matches the last given substitute string */~* */\~*
- \(\) A pattern enclosed by escaped parentheses */\(* */\(\)* */\)*
- (e.g., "\(^a\)") matches 'a' at the start of a line. *E51* *E54* *E55*
- \1 Matches the same string that was matched by */\1* *E65*
- the first sub-expression in \( and \). {not in Vi}
- Example: "\([a-z]\).\1" matches "ata", "ehe", "tot", etc.
- \2 Like "\1", but uses second sub-expression, */\2*
- ... */\3*
- \9 Like "\1", but uses ninth sub-expression. */\9*
- Note: The numbering of groups is done based on which "\(" comes first
- in the pattern (going left to right), NOT based on what is matched
- first.
- \%(\) A pattern enclosed by escaped parentheses. */\%(\)* */\%(* *E53*
- Just like \(\), but without counting it as a sub-expression
- {not in Vi}
- x A single character, with no special meaning, matches itself
- */\* */\\*
- \x A backslash followed by a single character, with no special meaning,
- is reserved for future expansions
- [] (with 'nomagic': \[]) */[]* */\[]* */\_[]* */collection*
- \_[]
- A collection. This is a sequence of characters enclosed in brackets.
- It matches any single character in the collection.
- Example matches ~
- [xyz] any 'x', 'y' or 'z'
- [a-zA-Z]$ any alphabetic character at the end of a line
- \c[a-z]$ same
- With "\_" prepended the collection also includes the end-of-line.
- The same can be done by including "\n" in the collection. The
- end-of-line is also matched when the collection starts with "^"! Thus
- "\_[^ab]" matches the end-of-line and any character but "a" and "b".
- This makes it Vi compatible: Without the "\_" or "\n" the collection
- does not match an end-of-line.
- If the sequence begins with "^", it matches any single character NOT
- in the collection: "[^xyz]" matches anything but 'x', 'y' and 'z'.
- - If two characters in the sequence are separated by '-', this is
- shorthand for the full list of ASCII characters between them. E.g.,
- "[0-9]" matches any decimal digit.
- - A character class expression is evaluated to the set of characters
- belonging to that character class. The following character classes
- are supported:
- Name Contents ~
- *[:alnum:]* [:alnum:] letters and digits
- *[:alpha:]* [:alpha:] letters
- *[:blank:]* [:blank:] space and tab characters
- *[:cntrl:]* [:cntrl:] control characters
- *[:digit:]* [:digit:] decimal digits
- *[:graph:]* [:graph:] printable characters excluding space
- *[:lower:]* [:lower:] lowercase letters (all letters when
- 'ignorecase' is used)
- *[:print:]* [:print:] printable characters including space
- *[:punct:]* [:punct:] punctuation characters
- *[:space:]* [:space:] whitespace characters
- *[:upper:]* [:upper:] uppercase letters (all letters when
- 'ignorecase' is used)
- *[:xdigit:]* [:xdigit:] hexadecimal digits
- *[:return:]* [:return:] the <CR> character
- *[:tab:]* [:tab:] the <Tab> character
- *[:escape:]* [:escape:] the <Esc> character
- *[:backspace:]* [:backspace:] the <BS> character
- The brackets in character class expressions are additional to the
- brackets delimiting a collection. For example, the following is a
- plausible pattern for a UNIX filename: "[-./[:alnum:]_~]\+" That is,
- a list of at least one character, each of which is either '-', '.',
- '/', alphabetic, numeric, '_' or '~'.
- These items only work for 8-bit characters.
- */\]*
- - To include a literal ']', '^', '-' or '\' in the collection, put a
- backslash before it: "[xyz\]]", "[\^xyz]", "[xy\-z]" and "[xyz\\]".
- (Note: POSIX does not support the use of a backslash this way). For
- ']' you can also make it the first character (following a possible
- "^"): "[]xyz]" or "[^]xyz]" {not in Vi}.
- For '-' you can also make it the first or last character: "[-xyz]",
- "[^-xyz]" or "[xyz-]". For '\' you can also let it be followed by
- any character that's not in "^]-\bertn". "[\xyz]" matches '\', 'x',
- 'y' and 'z'. It's better to use "\\" though, future expansions may
- use other characters after '\'.
- - The following translations are accepted when the 'l' flag is not
- included in 'cpoptions' {not in Vi}:
- \e <Esc>
- \t <Tab>
- \r <CR> (NOT end-of-line!)
- \b <BS>
- NOTE: The other backslash codes mentioned above do not work inside
- []!
- - Matching with a collection can be slow, because each character in
- the text has to be compared with each character in the collection.
- Use one of the other atoms above when possible. Example: "\d" is
- much faster than "[0-9]" and matches the same characters.
- */\%[]* *E69* *E70*
- \%[] A list of optionally matched atoms. This always matches.
- It matches as much of the list of atoms it contains as possible. Thus
- it stops at the first atom that doesn't match. For example: >
- /r\%[ead]
- < matches "r", "re", "rea" or "read". The longest that matches is used.
- To match the Ex command "function", where "fu" is required and
- "nction" is optional, this would work: >
- /\<fu\%[nction]\>
- < The end-of-word atom "\>" is used to avoid matching "fu" in "full".
- It gets more complicated when the atoms are not ordinary characters.
- You don't often have to use it, but it is possible. Example: >
- /\<r\%[[eo]ad]\>
- < Matches the words "r", "re", "ro", "rea", "roa", "read" and "road".
- {not available when compiled without the +syntax feature}
- Ignoring case in a pattern */ignorecase*
- If the 'ignorecase' option is on, the case of normal letters is ignored.
- 'smartcase' can be set to ignore case when the pattern contains lowercase
- letters only.
- */\c* */\C*
- When "\c" appears anywhere in the pattern, the whole pattern is handled like
- 'ignorecase' is on. The actual value of 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' is
- ignored. "\C" does the opposite: Force matching case for the whole pattern.
- {only Vim supports \c and \C}
- Note that 'ignorecase', "\c" and "\C" are not used for the character classes.
- Examples:
- pattern 'ignorecase' 'smartcase' matches ~
- foo off - foo
- foo on - foo Foo FOO
- Foo on off foo Foo FOO
- Foo on on Foo
- \cfoo - - foo Foo FOO
- foo\C - - foo
- Technical detail: *NL-used-for-Nul*
- <Nul> characters in the file are stored as <NL> in memory. In the display
- they are shown as "^@". The translation is done when reading and writing
- files. To match a <Nul> with a search pattern you can just enter CTRL-@ or
- "CTRL-V 000". This is probably just what you expect. Internally the
- character is replaced with a <NL> in the search pattern. What is unusual is
- that typing CTRL-V CTRL-J also inserts a <NL>, thus also searches for a <Nul>
- in the file. {Vi cannot handle <Nul> characters in the file at all}
- *CR-used-for-NL*
- When 'fileformat' is "mac", <NL> characters in the file are stored as <CR>
- characters internally. In the display they are shown as "^M". Otherwise this
- works similar to the usage of <NL> for a <Nul>.
- When working with expression evaluation, a <NL> character in the pattern
- matches a <NL> in the string. The use of "\n" (backslash n) to match a <NL>
- doesn't work there, it only works to match text in the buffer.
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Highlighting matches *match-highlight*
- *:mat* *:match*
- :mat[ch] {group} /{pattern}/
- Define a pattern to highlight in the current window. It will
- be highlighted with {group}. Example: >
- :highlight MyGroup ctermbg=green guibg=green
- :match MyGroup /TODO/
- < Instead of // any character can be used to mark the start and
- end of the {pattern}.
- {group} must exist at the moment this command is executed.
- The match overrides the 'hlsearch' highlighting.
- 'ignorecase' does not apply, use |/\c| in the pattern to
- ignore case. Otherwise case is not ignored.
- Note that highlighting the last used search pattern with
- 'hlsearch' is used in all windows, while the pattern defined
- with ":match" only exists in the current window. It is kept
- when switching to another buffer.
- Another example, which highlights all characters in virtual
- column 72 and more: >
- :highlight rightMargin term=bold ctermfg=blue guifg=blue
- :match rightMargin /.\%>72v/
- < To highlight all character that are in virtual column 7: >
- :highlight col8 ctermbg=grey guibg=grey
- :match col8 /\%<8v.\%>7v/
- < Note the use of two items to also match a character that
- occupies more than one virtual column, such as a TAB.
- :mat[ch]
- :mat[ch] none
- Clear a previously defined match pattern.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: